The mini-conveyor with central motor is the smallest model. Therefore, it is particularly suitable for transfers of light and small products.

The integrated mini-motor conveyor with optical window is very compact. It is particularly suitable for transfers of light and small products. It is also equipped with an optical window allowing control of parts and is equipped with a DC motor with servo control.

The perpendicular motor conveyor is compact thanks to the innovative design allowing the integration of the motor partially or in its entirety in the conveyor. It is provided with an optical window allowing a better control of the parts and is equipped with a DC motor with servo.

The integrated mini-motor conveyor is very compact. It is particularly suitable for transfers of light and small products. It is equipped with a DC motor with servo control and can be equipped depending on the product to be conveyed from a specific conveyor belt.

The perpendicular motor conveyor is compact thanks to the innovative design allowing the integration of the motor partially or in its entirety in the conveyor. It is equipped with a DC motor with servo. Depending on the specificity of the product to be conveyed, it can be provided with a specific conveyor belt.

The special conveyor for food and pharmaceutical application with perpendicular motor is compact thanks to the innovative design allowing the integration of the motor partially or entirely in the conveyor. It is equipped with a DC motor with servo. Depending on the specificity of the product to be conveyed, it could be provided with a specific conveyor belt.